A Little Food Switch-Up Never Hurt Nobody

Diet. I don’t really like that word. I feel like it has been excessively overused, and frankly, overrated. People these days are all the rage about the latest or trendiest diet to go on, whether as a “lifestyle change” or possibly just for a 21- or 30-day fix. I honestly have no problem with it.

I just don’t like labeling what kinds of foods we’re eating; however, I do believe in “lifestyle change” than a “diet”. You have to make changes for the long-term, not just for the short-term. I also believe in moderation and indulgences, because life is too short and passing up good food would be a sin.

On that note, I’ve been indulging in chips and ice cream lately, but I’ve also been incorporating or switching out foods to my diet for the past two years.

I didn’t really have a goal, in terms of longevity, but I wanted to keep this up for as long as I could. Now, I can’t imagine excluding these foods from my diet!

  • Whole grain/whole wheat food products: I used to eat white bread and white rice ALL THE TIME. I occasionally have themĀ once in a while, but now I’m conscious of what I’m putting into my body and white bread is possibly one of the worst foods for you. You can have your cake and eat it too by incorporating whole grain and whole wheat!

  • Chia/Flax Seeds: These small little wonders supposedly keeps you full for a longer period of time. Therefore, decreasing your needs to snack several times during the day! They don’t have a strongĀ taste and are small enough to throw onto a salad or into your smoothies! The health benefits are worth the addition.

  • Kale and Spinach: Much like the seeds, these greens don’t really have a noticeable taste so it can really be added into anything. OK, so maybe kale can taste a little bitter–what I do is sautee it in a pan with some other veggies and voila! It pretty much taste like spinach by the end of it… which is saying that the bitterness disappears. I absolutely love make kale chips as well if you’re looking for a snacking alternative. Spinach, much like kale, is a veggie that I’ll sautee and add to my breakfast or throw into my smoothies. Again, you can make eating your greens an UNNOTICEABLE thing!

  • Coconut Oil: I use this way too much. I use it as a beauty product for my hair and skin and as a substitute for oil and butter. Sometimes, I’ll just take a spoonful as a supplement. If you don’t mind the subtle taste of coconut in your food than this is for you. Enough said.

In general, I’ve been trying to eat fewer dairy products and meat and incorporating more veggies, fruits and lean protein into my meals. That’s not to say I’ve cut out all of my favorite snacks. I could never live without them.

To me, it’s all about balance and finding out what works for you and what you can do to maintain a healthier diet and lifestyle. My diet isn’t perfect and I like how it is right now.

The changes I’ve made have gone beyond what I ever thought was possible for me. And it can be possible for you too! These little changes have helped me become more health-conscious of my food choices, which will stick with me for a while.

Until next time!


Photos: 1, 2, 3, 4